What is body sculpting?

A lot of people may have the idea that Body Sculpting focuses on weight loss, but that is not entirely true. Body Sculpting, as its name indicates, focuses on sculpting the body.

This is perfect for individuals who are close to their ideal weight but they still have stubborn areas and fat pockets that can't seem to reduce with diet and exercise alone. Common areas that are stubborn to reduce are the love handles, thighs, back, arms, and it also helps to break down and reduce the appearance of cellulite. 

Because it is not possible to spot reduce with diet and exercise, Body Sculpting is able to break down stubborn areas and help sculpt the body to lose inches where you need it. 

So how exactly does Body Sculpting work?

To understand how body sculpting works, we need to understand the different technologies that are used. 

Body sculpting works with a variety of modalities such as: 

  • Radio Frequency: works with heat to liquefy the fat and to stimulate collagen production.

  • Ultrasonic Cavitation: works with sound to break down adipose tissue by creating microbubbles within the cells that build up during treatment and eventually burst, releasing fatty contents, toxins and liquid. 

  • Laser Lipo: Works with red light and infrared light to improve skin texture, stimulate collagen production and liquefy the fat.

  • Wood Therapy: Works with wood tools to physically break down, heat, drain and sculpt stubborn areas.

  • Vacuum Therapy: Works with suction to help with lymphatic drainage, circulation, detox, break down adipose tissue and stimulate muscle growth.

  • Ice Sculpting and more

Here at Musa Body Sculpting, we focus more on heat and on circulation to break down and sculpt the body. 

Keep in mind that these treatments are not getting rid of fat cells, they instead drain out its contents to be released into the body to be used as energy or flushed out. 

Adipose tissue is broken down with the different modalities and fatty contents, toxins and water is released from the stubborn areas. The body then takes what was broken down through the lymphatic system to be filtered out by the kidneys and liver. This is then flushed out of the body through urine, sweat, and/or bowel movement. 

How soon can results be seen?

Depending on the type of treatment and how well the body responds is how soon results can be seen. The quickest results are seen with fat reduction in which 8-10 sessions are recommended to see good results. For skin tightening and cellulite treatment it takes a bit longer, at least 10-12 sessions, because the body is healing the layers of the skin. 

Individuals who get fat reduction treatments can see some reduction from the very first session which can be a combination of fat or water retention in the area. Others might experience a bit of inflammation right after their session and wont see changes until three days after, which is the amount of time that it takes for the body to flush out what was broken down. 

Keeping this in mind, it is important to keep the body hydrated to help the lymphatic system with flushing everything out. It is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle, this involves exercising and proper nutrition. Body sculpting combined with a healthy and active lifestyle will not only give you the best results but also the quickest. 

Skin tightening and cellulite is a healing process, it is not as simple as breaking down adipose contents and flushing them out. 

Loose skin after pregnancy or weight loss has lost elasticity and collagen. Radio Frequency and Laser lipo work to stimulate the skin's natural collagen production so that it improves elasticity and starts healing and tightening on its own. 

Skin takes time to heal and both skin tightening and cellulite treatments need more time to show visible results. It's normal to not see much improvement in the first few sessions. Most clients start noticing the improvements after the 3rd or 4th session. 

Fat loss is limited to the areas that it can be done on but skin tightening can be done on almost any body area, including the face to help lift the skin and even out fine lines and wrinkles. 

Do the results last?

Body Sculpting results are permanent as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

If you are incorporating Body Sculpting treatments into your weight loss journey, as long as you continue with the healthy habits, the results will stay. If you stop exercising or start eating unhealthy and high calorie foods, naturally the body will regain the weight and most likely store it in the stubborn areas that were broken down. 

Body Sculpting works as long as you work. Body Sculpting alone won't give you long lasting results, you need to put in effort to achieve and maintain the results that you want. 


Is Body Sculpting Painful? What does it feel like?