Vacuum BBL Post-Treatment Workout

Are you thinking about having Vacuum BBL treatments done or are you already doing them?


Because Vacuum BBL treatments stimulate the glute muscles and increase blood flow, these treatments are most effective when they are paired with a workout program that targets the lower body, specifically the glutes.


The best results are seen when the workouts are done directly after treatment this way the gluteal muscles are already activated and thus provide a better mind to muscle connection and pump.

The exercises can be done from the comfort of your home or in the gym but work best when done with weight.


For the muscle to grow it needs to be put under stress and that means both time under tension and weight. Always aim to go out of your comfort zone and really push yourself to lift heavier, your glutes will thank you.


If you already have a workout routine and are doing the Vacuum BBL Treatments to accelerate your results, make sure to prioritize your workouts in lower body and increase the intensity and weight.


If you are just starting out, I have put together a workout routine that you can start doing from the comfort of your home to see the best results. Don’t get too comfortable, f the workouts seem easy, make them harder by adding weight. I have also attached a gym workout routine if you have equipment at home or a gym membership.

You don’t want to workout your legs and glutes every day either, you want to provide them with rest days too so they may grow. Train the lower body every other day, making them take up the majority of days in the week.

Make sure that you are also eating a protein rich and healthy fat diet that is going to supply your gluteal muscles with the amino acids they need to grow. Also, Minimize processed foods, sugars and carbohydrates to help you achieve that hourglass look.

These treatments are non invasive and can be done frequently, up to three times a week.

Make sure to download and save a copy on your device or print it out for reference.


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